Shin Splints seem to be one of the biggest nagging complaints I hear from a variety of runners. While many times some simple warm up and strengthening exercises can help. Often times the discomfort...
On Track Physiotherapy
Aahad Saroya
Alfredson Protocol for Achilles Tendinopathy
If you have ever experienced an achilles injury or dealt with chronic achilles re-injuries or tendinopathy chances are your physician may have recommended something called the Alfredson Protocol....
How To Stay Active and Recover from Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendinitis is a common complaint in the active population. It starts becoming more common with people in their early 30s or 40's, but can certainly impact people of all ages. It tends to...
3 Ways To Stay Running Even If You Have Achilles Pain
When starting a running program, or if you have been running for quite some time. Chances are you may have encountered some achilles tendon pain. Chances are if you went to your physician or some...
Why you should STOP stretching your Achilles Pain!
I see people with achilles pain stretching their achilles constantly. The problem with this is that tightness is just a sensation. Often people feel tight in the calf because of the position they...
Shoulder and Tricep Pain
Nagging shoulder pain can be a real pain to put up with throughout the day! It impacts just about everything you want to be doing from reaching overhead, putting your seatbelt and jacket on to just...
Cervicogenic Headaches (Part 4)
The final type of headache which we will be discussing is called Cervicogenic Headache. (You can read about Tension Headaches or Migraine Headaches) Cervicogenic headaches are generally caused by...
Treating Migraine Headaches (Part 3)
In part 3 of our headache series we are going to be covering Migraine Headaches. (You can read about Tension Headaches or Cervicogenic Headaches) Migraine Headaches are often described as either...
Tension Headaches (Headaches Part 2)
Today we are back in Part 2 of our Headache Series. Tension type headaches is the most common presentation of headaches. (You can read about Migraine headaches or Cervicogenic Headaches) Generally...
Treating Headaches Without Use of Daily Pain Killers (Part 1)
Chances are that either you or someone that you know has been dealing with frequent/daily headaches or migraines. In fact, some research shows that migraines are in the 10 highest causes of...
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