Chances are if you have been to Physical therapy, you have probably seen someone performing the exercise below working on their shoulder. Okay, so maybe not with their shirt off. But nevertheless it...
On Track Physiotherapy
Aahad Saroya
Neck Pain Relief Exercise
Ann Arbor, MI - Many people will describe neck pain from "sleeping wrong on their neck." Many times this produces a sensation of the neck being "locked" or very painful and limited to one side. A...
How To Avoid Physical Therapy – Old Geezer Medication
This really does not have to be complicated. Most injuries are from a sudden increase in activity that your body was not prepared to handle or a repetitive physical stress without ample rest. The...
Repeated Plantarflexion
At On Track Physical Therapy we are constantly looking at ankle range of motion. Ankle range of motion can have a large impact on the body's ability to move functionally i.e. squat, jump, run,...
Core Stabalization Progression
The Wall Press Abs exercise is an excellent way to learn how to create protective stiffness in the spine. When performed correctly it will help create stability through your low back and aid in...
Anterior Plank – Not just an exercise for your abs
The Plank is often thought to be a core exercise. However, I'm here to tell you that there are other unforeseen benefits of the plank that you may not have considered before. First we need to talk...
Box Squat with Single Leg Concentric
Last week I contributed this exercise to the article: Great Exercises You're Not Doing. In case you missed it, here is the summary below. Want to improve your squat without your knees and hips...
Does Gaining Range of Motion Really have to Hurt?
Not all physical therapists are created equal. Nor does gaining range of motion have to be extremely painful! Unfortunately there is this idea among the public that physical therapy has to hurt to...
Plank Exercise Progressions
A lot of people will perform planks as part of their exercise routine. The front and side plank get a lot of love, and for good reason! For a lot of people these exercises are challenging enough....
The Best Physical Therapy Methods and Techniques
On Track Physical Therapy is proud to contribute to this article with some of the best names in the industry!
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