Plantar Fasciitis (Ann Arbor, Mi) - Anybody who has ever experienced plantar fasciitis before knows that it can be a very frustrating process. Heel pain impacts just about every daily activity that...
On Track Physiotherapy
Aahad Saroya
Exercises for Athletes #4 – Box Jump with Drop Step
Box Jumps with Drop Step - This is a mid level plyometric exercise that is excellent for building and displaying vertical jump power. More specifically it is a great exercise to develop your two...
Why are kids injured more often in sports?
Below is a great article written by Cordelia Carter, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the Yale School of Medicine. It explains why early sport specialization may not be the best route to...
How To Train For Longevity
On Track PT and Performance gets featured on Physio Answers this week! Check out the link below to read about training for longevity!...
Why am I doing this exercise?
Most patient's assume I hate answering this question. Just let me do my Job! Right? Wrong. In fact, I enjoy hearing this and really do not mind your curiosity. A few things run through my head when...
Exercises for Athletes #3 – Single Leg Box Jumps
Single Leg Box Jumps - This exercise is a mid-level explosive jump or plyometric that is great for athletes to develop explosive power. This is a great exercise for athletes, and can be easily...
ACL Prevention. The Importance of Youth Coaches
For top notch ACL rehabilitation in Ann Arbor, Mi contact On Track PT and Performance. Calling all you coaches, athletes, therapists and trainers out there, it's time for us all to face facts; we've...
Exercises for Athletes #2 – Goblet Squat
The Goblet Squat is a great lift to teach proper technique to a youth athlete or beginning lifter while still eliciting a training effect. Due to the anterior load of the weight, it allows the...
Exercises For Athletes #1 – Drop Jump Landing
The Drop Jump Landing is a entry level exercise to shock plyometric training. It teaches an athlete how to decelerate and absorb forces. The best athletes all have the ability to quickly absorb and...
Stix and stones may break bones but words CAN hurt you
Interactions between health care providers and patients have a huge impact on a patient’s recovery. Unfortunately not all Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Insurance company’s realize how...
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