On Track Physiotherapy

Golfing Injuries in Ann Arbor

Treating Golfing Injuries at On Track Physiotherapy

Do you love playing golf but find yourself sidelined by nagging pain and injuries? As an athlete or former athlete looking to maintain an active golfing lifestyle, injuries can quickly derail your game and enjoyment of the sport. The good news is that with proper diagnosis and treatment from our experienced physical therapists at On Track Physiotherapy, you can get back to pain-free golfing again.

At On Track Physiotherapy, we understand the wide range of musculoskeletal issues that commonly affect golfers. Whether you’re suffering from lower back pain, shoulder impingement, wrist tendonitis, elbow injuries or any other strain, sprain or overuse injury, our customized treatment plans can help you recover and prevent future injuries.

How Golfing Injuries in Ann Arbor Occur

The golf swing requires coordinated sequencing of muscle firing and movements to produce an efficient motion. However, the repetitive forces placed on the body during the swing can lead to:

  • Improper swing mechanics: Faulty movements like early wrist uncocking, swaying, reverse pivot and more place undue stress on muscles and joints.
  • Overuse: Hitting hundreds of balls during practice combined with walking long distances adds up over time.
  • Pre-existing conditions: Underlying issues like arthritis, previous injuries and muscle imbalances increase vulnerability.

This strain manifests as anything from joint and muscle pain to decreased flexibility and strength that hampers performance. Our golf-tailored rehab program addresses all these causes to get you back on the course fully healthy.

Customized Treatment for Your Golf Injury

Every golfer’s injury and body is unique. This is why your recovery starts with a comprehensive evaluation by our licensed physical therapists like Dr. Morgan Kennedy, DPT, TPI, FDN, CIMT, CAFS. We identify the root cause of your pain and then craft a personalized treatment plan leveraging proven techniques:

  • Pain management through gentle hands-on manual therapy, therapeutic modalities like heat/ice therapy and electrical stimulation provides relief allowing you to start moving again
  • Anti-inflammatory modalities like ultrasound and laser therapy reduce swelling and facilitate healing
  • Improving swing mechanics via video analysis highlights issues like rigidity or improper weight shifts contributing to injury so we can correct them
  • Joint mobilizations restore optimal joint motion inhibiting compensations and re-injury
  • Targeted stretching and exercises enhance flexibility and build strength in the core stabilizers, hips, and shoulders preventing future pain

We also provide home exercise programs and education customized to your needs for self-managing symptoms and maintaining gains long-term.

Benefits of Treating Golf Injuries

Seeking proper treatment for your golf injury provides immense benefits beyond pain relief including:

  • Play without pain or risk of re-injury
  • Increased endurance and stamina on the course
  • Optimize swing efficiency for accuracy and distance
  • Prevent overcompensation issues leading to new pain points
  • Remain active playing your best golf as you age
  • Reduce the risk of further injury leaving permanent damage

Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering if our rehab program can help get you back swinging pain-free? Here are answers to some questions we often hear:

What are some common golf injuries?
The most frequent golf injuries we treat include:

  • Lower back pain from rotational and sideways bending forces
  • Wrist injuries like tendonitis from repetitive impact and gripping
  • Shoulder impingement and instability from overuse
  • Elbow tendonitis like golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow
  • Hip and knee pain from torque during the swing

Which muscles are typically injured in golf?
Key muscle groups injured during the golf swing include:

  • Forearm and wrist muscles like flexors and extensors
  • Shoulder muscles like the rotator cuff and deltoids
  • Spinal muscles including erector spinae for rotation
  • Hip adductors and abductors stabilizing the pelvis

What injuries are seen in professional golfers?
Pro golfers suffer from similar overuse issues and even greater injury rates due to high volume play:

  • Intervertebral disc disease from repetitive spinal twisting
  • Wrist and elbow tendonitis including golfer’s elbow
  • Shoulder tendonitis like rotator cuff tears
  • Lower back muscle strains and herniations

Are there health risks even with proper golfing technique?
Yes, while flawless technique protects against injury, risks still include:

  • Overuse from walking long distances carrying gear
  • Heat injury and sun exposure especially in summer
  • Increased heart attack risk from intense walking
  • Vision issues and skin cancer from sun damage

Proper post-round stretching, hydration, and sun protection help mitigate these.

Get Back to Pain-Free Golfing in Ann Arbor

If pain is limiting your golf game, don’t wait any longer to seek help. Our experienced physical therapists leverage advanced techniques to get you back swinging comfortably again while preventing future issues.

To book a thorough evaluation, call us today at 734-972-6529 or request an appointment online. We look forward to helping you enjoy the game you love by keeping you off the disabled list for good!

About The Author

Conquering sports injuries with personalized care is Dr. Greg Schaible’s passion. As a licensed Physical Therapist specializing in Certified Strength & Conditioning and Sports Rehab, drawing upon years years of experience to help individuals overcome sports injuries and its challenges. At On Track Physiotherapy in Ann Arbor, Dr. Greg Schaible employs a patient-centered approach, wielding cutting-edge techniques and bespoke care plans to empower individuals to reclaim their physical well-being.

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Jill B

UPDATED 2022: Outstanding and highly recommend! I have been seeing Greg for the last 8 weeks at On Track Physiotherapy for foot/ankle pain & weakness. I had an injury earlier this year that resulted in a torn tendon and plantar fasciitis. I am happy to report that I am no longer living in chronic pain and have regained much of my strength. I am again able to enjoy activities like walking my dog, working out, and just simply being able to do the daily tasks of life pain-free. Thanks for getting me back on my feet again! I saw Greg Schaible for post-rehab fitness training after recovering from a neck injury. I wanted to make a lifestyle change and get in shape, but had a lot of fear about re-injuring myself. As a physical therapist, Greg understood my situation. He combined his PT and fitness/strength training knowledge to develop a safe and practical fitness program. Training was new to me, but Greg made me feel very comfortable during the learning process. He also provided online videos of the exercises, and was always available to answer questions. I never would have believed I could ever lose 50 pounds, run 3 miles or lift a weight over 10 pounds, but I accomplished all those goals. Investing in my health and utilizing this service is by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am so glad I didn’t let this injury scare me into sitting on the couch for the rest of my life!

Chris Masters

I had nagging knee pain that was affecting my running and lifting ability. I decided to try On Track Physiotherapy’s complimentary evaluation. After meeting with Dr. Schaible for my initial evaluation, I was impressed and decided to work with him. After several months of corrective work my knee is pain free and I’m running further and squatting heavier than I have in a long time. Over several months he guided me through progressively more difficult stability exercises that I have incorporated into my training that I continue to do today. What I learned goes far beyond healing my injury. He has given me the tools to bullet proof my knees going forward. If you are dealing with a nagging injury or pain stop wasting your time and book the initial evaluation with Dr. Greg and start your path to recovery today.